You and your toddler will build connections while bopping,
wiggling and dancing in a safe and fun environment.
Dance with Me
Ages 1 & 2

Through games, play, and imagination exercises,
your little dancer will learn to skip, march and gallop
along with the basics of ballet, rhythm, and counting.
Creative Movement
Age 3

We emphasize the enjoyment of dance within the framework
and regimen of classical ballet training.
Dance Fundamentals
Age 4

Your student will develop musical awareness, rhythm,
and coordination through the fundamentals of ballet,
creative movement, acting, and games. As Students
advance through the Primary Divisions, they will
continue to build on their knowledge of ballet’s
fundamentals and learn more complex movements
at the barre and across the floor.
Primary Dance
Age 5

In Intro to Ballet/Jazz/Tap, your student will develop
musical awareness, rhythm, and coordination through the
fundamentals of ballet, jazz, and tap dance, creative movement,
acting, and also games.