In listing the work we need to accomplish in the strategic plan, our plan will not diminish the exceptional quality of dance instruction for which CCD is known.

The board and staff have been busy working on our Strategic Plan and have been extremely conscientious in addressing the feedback we heard in the community survey (you can find an overview of the survey results here). Based on your feedback and analysis of our enrollment, finances and organization structure, we determined the work we need to accomplish in our three-year Strategic Plan, which is outlined below:  

  • Increase frequency and consistency of communication with our CCD Family and include more opportunities for two-way feedback between our community and the staff, faculty and board. 
  • The organization needs to be more flexible and less resistant to change to stay relevant and properly support our community
  • Develop more equitable practices throughout the organization for students, staff, faculty and community
  • Find ways to serve the larger community in a significant and equitable way
  • Expand CCD’s reach to grow constituent base and brand recognition
  • Balance the workload across staff/faculty and add additional positions if needed
  • Develop or update our policies/practices to improve administrative performance and transparency (financial, human resources, board)
  • Continue tracking and analysing enrollment and finances on individual programs to understand future needs for growth
  • Further diversify revenue and funding sources to build more resilient financial health 
  • Develop more realistic expectations for increasing revenue and funding by providing sufficient resources and time to build relationships
  • Develop a plan to build financial reserves over time to reach 3-6 months of expenses on-hand to support financial stability 

Driven by this work we need to accomplish, we have determined the two, core Strategic Priorities noted below. Strategic Priorities are the high level goals the organization needs to achieve in support of CCD’s purpose, mission and values. We have broken the strategic planning team into two groups, one for each Strategic Priority. Each team is working on further fleshing out the plan by developing Objectives, or measurable outcomes to support the Strategic Priorities. Once those are finalized the teams will move on to developing Strategies and Tactics, which are plans and actions that will serve as our road map over the next three years to achieve our Strategic Priorities. 

  • Strategic Priority #1: Build a more stable and sustainable organization 
  • Strategic Priority #2: Continue to build a more equitable organization       

We will be meeting again at the end of June to continue the process and will report out to the community as more details are available. If you have questions or ideas about the process, please do not hesitate to reach out to Leslie Castañuela Barnes (

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