Young Dancer’s Program

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Shop at Boulder Body Wear to Save 15%

We highly recommend visiting our friends at Boulder Body Wear for expert assistance in finding the ideal flesh tone tights and shoes. They will provide you with the right style items to suit all your CCD dance classes.

Save an additional 25% on Pointe Shoes

When buying pointe shoes at Boulder Body Wear, as a CCD student you’ll receive an additional 25% discount on your 2nd pair!

Class Top Bottom Tights Shoes Hair
All Classes in this program

CC400C Pink (girls) /


SE1061B White Shirt (boys)


Pink or fleshtone tights (girls) /


SE1082B (Black) Tights (boys)

Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights


Long hair: bun at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Intro to Jazz
Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes
Intro to tap
Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces


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Shop at Boulder Body Wear to Save 15%

We highly recommend visiting our friends at Boulder Body Wear for expert assistance in finding the ideal flesh tone tights and shoes. They will provide you with the right style items to suit all your CCD dance classes.

Class Gender Identity Top Bottom Tights Shoes Hair
Ballet Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #SE1012 Light Blue None Pink tights or Flesh-tone tights Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights
Long hair: bun at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Ballet Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, White Capezio SE1082 Studio Collection Transition Tight – Mens black n/a Black ballet shoes
Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Multi Dance Form Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #1012 Light Blue Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Nutcracker rehearsals Any gender ballet dress code
Long hair: Ballet bun with twists on the side (Students will receive training before the 1st rehearsal)
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured”

Intermediate & Accelerate

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Shop at Boulder Body Wear to Save 15%

We highly recommend visiting our friends at Boulder Body Wear for expert assistance in finding the ideal flesh tone tights and shoes. They will provide you with the right style items to suit all your CCD dance classes.

Class Gender Identity Top Bottom Tights Shoes Hair
Ballet Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #SE1012 Royal Blue None Pink tights or Flesh-tone tights Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights Long hair: bun at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Ballet Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio SE1082 Studio Collection Transition Tight – Mens black n/a Black ballet shoes Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Ballet Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a Black ballet shoes Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Jazz, Tap Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #1012 Royal Blue Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Jazz, Tap Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant n/a Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Jazz, Tap Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant n/a Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Modern/Contemporary Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #1012 Royal Blue Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet same as ballet
Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Hip Hop Any gender Form fitting, solid color top of your choice Solid color sweatpants or any above dresscode bottoms Clean sneakers (never worn outside) Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Nutcracker rehearsals Any gender ballet dress code
Long hair: Ballet bun with twists on the side (Students will receive training before the 1st rehearsal)
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured”


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Shop at Boulder Body Wear to Save 15%

We highly recommend visiting our friends at Boulder Body Wear for expert assistance in finding the ideal flesh tone tights and shoes. They will provide you with the right style items to suit all your CCD dance classes.

Save an additional 25% on Pointe Shoes

When buying pointe shoes at Boulder Body Wear, as a CCD student you’ll receive an additional 25% discount on your 2nd pair!

Class Gender Identity Top Bottom Tights Shoes Hair
Ballet, Pointe Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #SE1012 Albergine None Pink tights or Flesh-tone tights Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights Long hair: bun at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Ballet, Men’s Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio SE1082 Studio Collection Transition Tight – Mens black n/a Black ballet shoes Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Ballet, Pointe, Men’s, etc. Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a Black ballet shoes Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Jazz, Tap Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #1012 Albergine Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Jazz, Tap Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant n/a Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Jazz, Tap Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB118 Adult Mid-Rise Stretch Jazz Pant n/a Jazz: Black slip-on split sole jazz shoes Tap: Black lace-up tap shoes, with black laces and mid-calf black socks for performance Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Modern/Contemporary Female Identifying Capezio Leotard #1012 Albergine Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet same as ballet
Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Any gender Body Wrapper B409 Tank top, Black Capezio TB204 black Leggings n/a barefeet Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Hip Hop Any gender Form fitting, solid color top of your choice Solid color sweatpants or any above dresscode bottoms Clean sneakers (never worn outside) Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Nutcracker rehearsals Any gender ballet dress code
Long hair: Ballet bun with twists on the side (Students will receive training before the 1st rehearsal)
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured”
All other classes (composition, pedagogy, etc) Any gender Any of the above dress code items Dancers may wear their hair in a ponytail if they have enough time between classes to change their hair style. Tardiness will not be permitted because of a hair change.
Free Dress Saturdays Female Identifying Leotard of choice none Pink tights or Flesh-tone tights Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights Long hair: bun at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Free Dress Saturdays Male Identifying Solid color Ballet Tee of your choice Form fitting, solid color ballet tights of your choice Black ballet shoes Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured
Free Dress Saturdays Any gender Form fitting, solid color top of your choice
Form fitting, solid color bottoms of your choice
Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights Long hair: pony tail at eyebrow height
Short hair: slicked away from face, firmly secured


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Shop at Boulder Body Wear to Save 15%

We highly recommend visiting our friends at Boulder Body Wear for expert assistance in finding the ideal flesh tone tights and shoes. They will provide you with the right style items to suit all your CCD dance classes.

Save an additional 25% on Pointe Shoes

When buying pointe shoes at Boulder Body Wear, as a CCD student you’ll receive an additional 25% discount on your 2nd pair!

Class Gender Identity Top Bottom Tights Shoes
Ballet, Pointe, Variations, Pas de Deux Female Identifying Capezio Leotard, Black none, ballet skirt of your choice optional for variations class Pink tights or Flesh-tone tights
Canvas or leather shoes that match the color of the tights
Ballet, Mens, Variations, Pas de Deux Male Identifying Capezio Top SE1061, Black Capezio SE1082 Studio Collection Transition Tight – Mens black Black Ballet Shoes

Dance Expressions

There is no formal dress code for Dance Expressions, but we have provided recommendations for students attending this class:

  • Dance or exercise apparel
  • Ballet shoes and/or jazz shoes depending on the class
  • Hair pulled back from face

Adult Classes

There is no formal dress code for the Adult Division, but we have provided recommendations for adults attending class:

  • Dance or exercise apparel
  • Ballet shoes for ballet, jazz shoes for jazz, tap shoes for tap.
  • Hair pulled back from face
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