
Dear CCD Dancers, Parents, and Supporters,

Thank you for your participation in our strategic planning survey. Your responses will provide us with important community feedback to inform our strategic planning initiatives. I wanted to update you on where we are in the process:

  • At the request of several community members, our strategic planning contractor left the survey open a few days longer than the original deadline, to provide more opportunity for thoughtful feedback. 
  • Our strategic planning contractor is busy reviewing and compiling your feedback into an overview format.  
  • Leadership (board and senior staff) will review the overview of the feedback in early March, 2023. 
  • Using the community feedback as a guide, Board and Leadership will develop a few high-level, priorities for the organization.    
  • Our consultant will provide an overview of both the community feedback and the strategic goals to the entire community, which we expect to be released by mid-March. 
  • In the months from March through June 2023, the Board and Leadership will continue to develop the strategic plan by crafting objectives, strategies and tactics that support the priorities. 
  • We plan to update the CCD community on the progress of the plan on a monthly basis. 
  • We have a tentative deadline of completing the strategic plan no later than July 31, 2023, which is the end of our fiscal year 2022-2023.
  • Once the plan is completed and ratified by the Board of Directors, we will release the full plan to the community, hopefully no later than late-August. The information will be posted on the CCD website for review.
  • Any “quick-fix” solutions we can identify from the feedback may be implemented and communicated sooner.

Again, we are so grateful to our community for taking time out of your busy schedules to provide your anonymous, honest and thoughtful feedback. 

Thank you,
Leslie Castañuela Barnes (she, her)
Executive Director of Colorado Conservatory of Dance

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