Meera Ganesan2023 Visiting Artist
    Meera Ganesan is a software architect/engineer by profession and has been in the IT industry for over 20 years. She is originally from India and has settled in the US for 25 years now – She considers both countries as her home and tries to absorb the best from both worlds. She has trained in both Indian classical dance (BharatanAtyam)  and Indian classical vocal music (Carnatic music)  since she was 8 years old and continues to learn with some of the best teachers in India.
    She firmly believes that both these art forms are a medium for spiritual evolution only if you choose to look at them closely and understand their true nature. Art is no different from life – It reflects the same emotions of life like love, joy,compassion, beauty and sorrow. The underlying thread of Indian classical art forms is one of non duality where divinity is present in everyone and everything- both the animate and inanimate and hence calls upon to be treated responsibly and with compassion.
    She is also trained in related fitness forms of Yoga and Pilates. The end goal of the Indian art forms including Yoga is to bring about clarity of the mind and aim towards becoming one with the Supreme divinity which is present everywhere and in everything.

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