Jesse MartinezBoard Member
Joined CCD in 2022

Jesse Martinez is a Colorado native from Grand Junction, CO. He has over 15 years in public service and the nonprofit sector. He started his career as an AmeriCorps volunteer serving two years in Mesa County Valley School District supporting the expansion of service-learning in its schools. As a hands-on learner, he has always sought experiences to learn by doing and actively engaging in solutions-based problem solving to overcome barriers. Throughout his career, his work has centered on engaging and empowering communities from his time at the Colorado Symphony,  Denver Public Schools, Adams 14 School District, the Piton Foundation, and Foothills United Way.

Jesse, the former Executive Director of the Mexican Cultural Center, is the current CEO/President of Empowered, Ltd., an arts, education, and community- driven consulting group. Jesse holds a bachelor’s degree in Political Sociology from Metropolitan State University of Denver and a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Regis University. Currently, he is a doctoral candidate at the University of Colorado—Denver studying Leadership for Educational Equity and the importance of family and community engagement.

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